complex quick help
kk4qbn to
All on Thu Feb 1 02:05:32 2024
Quick Helps:
These keys are available from most menus in the game:
'?' -- Displays menu again or shows help files
'!' -- Pages Sysop
The Complex Overhead:
*)Return to BBS
│ │
│ Main Hall │ <= First area after logon
│ │
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│ │ ░ ░ │ │
│ H)eadQuarters │ ▄░ ░▄ │ C)omm Post │
│ │ ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ │ │
▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ │ │ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀
│ B)arracks │
│ │
▄░ ░▄
································▒ ▒·································
Main Hall:
The first area of the Complex is known as the Main Hall. This is the
common intersection which leads to the other areas of the building.
From here, you may enter the B)arracks, C)ommunications Room, or the
H)ead Quarters. To log-off, simply press the '*' key from Main Hall.
The Barracks is a room which all recruits take shelter. Here,
they rest/sleep while not on-line.
│ │
│ *)Main Hall │
│ │
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·· ▄░ ░▄ ··
│ │
│ Complex Barracks │
│ │
│ B)ank Storage │
│ C)heck Status │
│ G)ames Room │
│ R)ecruit Chambers │
│ S)entry Guard │
│ │
·································▒/ \▒······························
The B)ank Storage command allows players to deposit, withdraw, loan,
or transfer crystals to another player's account.
The C)heck command can be used to view your character's attributes.
The G)ames Room is a place where players can leisurely relax by playing
games or visiting the Bar.
With the R)ecruit Chambers, you have the following options:
│ Recruit Chambers
-[A] Adjust Specs
-[C] Check Status
-[M] Morgue Listing
-[R] Roster Status
-[T] Training Room
-[U] Use Equipment
-[V] View Recruit
-[*] Exit to Barracks
Players can A)djust their specifications, which include the toggling
of Expert mode on/off, changing passwords, erasing their player,
toggling Ansi color on/off, setting combat delay speeds, and toggling
combat modes Action/Random.
C)heck Status views your character's status.
M)orgue lists the names of the deceased and total body count.
R)oster Log lists the players in the game and their general locations.
In the T)raining Room, players may inquire about the required
experience points for the next level or raise their attributes after
increasing a level via experience points.
Players may U)se their Equipment in the Recruit Chambers by
selecting this function. Not all items are usable inside of the
Complex, however (ie: aerial scanner, thumpers, trikorders, etc.)
V)iew Recruit prints out the status of another specified player if
│ they are in the Complex.
The S)entry Guard command lets you see the Sentry Post and the Guard,
if one exists. You can offer items to an active Guard, view his status,
upgrade his robot model, or purchase a new Guard. The Sentry Guard is
an important factor in protecting the Complex from raids from Hydrites
who often attack; stealing crystals, raiding the Supply Room, and the
occasional kidnapping of players.
The W)astelands function allows you to venture out into the wastelands.
Communications Post:
The Communications Post handles all message reading, writing, and private
E-mail. Communication is a necessity for survival.
│ │
│ *)Main Hall │
│ │
▄░░▀ ▀░ ░▀ ▀░░▄
·· ░ ░ ▀░░▄
·· ··· ▀░░▄
│ │
│ Communications Post │
│ │
│ E)lectronic Mail │
│ F)rontier Log │
│ P)ost Message │
│ R)ead Messages │
│ │
The E)lectronic Mail function allows players to write/read personal and
private messages to another player.
The F)rontier Log is a report of recent activity for the game, including
daily maintenance and information on Hydrite raids.
The P)ost Message option lets players write a public message to the main
message board, called the HX-909 frequency.
R)eading Messages displays the public messages that have been written by
other players or foreign transmissions. The message numbers range from
1 to 50.
The main control room of the Complex is the Head Quarters.
│ │
│ *)Main Hall │
│ │
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│ │
│ Head-Quarters │
│ │
│ I)nfo Cabinet │
│ M)edical Center │
│ R)ecords Room │
│ S)upply Room │
│ T)eams/Squadrons │
│ │
The I)nformation Cabinet contains several different articles concerning
the overview of OOII. Also, a bulletin can be read or the logon news
can be reviewed.
In the M)edical Center, you may U)se a Medical Kit to heal a character's
hit points. You may also neutralize your player's radiation factor
by entering the R)adiation room. The D)isease Department is used to
N)eutralize or V)accinate any diseases that a player may acquire in the
The R)ecords Room has the latest and greatest statistics of categories
such as Players with Total Ability, Most Experienced, Combat Accuracy,
Bravery, Total combined attributes, Squadron standings, and Hall-of-Fame.
The S)upply Room offers weapons, ammunition/power, armor, and equipment
that a player may buy or sell. An option of I)nventory is a feature
that allows you to look up information on a particular piece of equipment.
In the T)eams/Squadrons menu, you may create Squadrons (teams), join other
Squadrons, list the Squadrons and leaders, etc.