character info bulletin
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All on Thu Feb 1 01:54:35 2024
Character Information
The character configuration consists of the following attributes:
Strength (STR):
Strength is primarily the ability to exert force - especially during
combat. The greater your strength, the more damage you will be able to
inflict in combat. Strength also increases the number of items you are
able to carry in your backpack.
Dexterity (DEX):
Dexterity refers to manual dexterity and general agility. The greater
your dexterity, the more effective you will be in combat. Dexterity
also gives you speed and sense of direction when running.
Hit Points (HPs):
Hit Points are the most important of all attributes. A player is
considered deceased if his/her hit points equal zero or below. When
viewing a player's status, the first number for hit points is their
current value. The second number is the maximum amount of hit points.
Radiation (RAD):
This attribute displays the percentage of radiation contamination for
a player. A radiation factor of over 50% will prohibit a player from
re-entering the Complex from the wastelands. In hand-to-hand combat,
the player is affected from the opponent's radiation factor (and vice-
versa). If the radiation percentage of a player reaches over 70%, the
radiation will start to harshly affect the body. Hit points will begin
to permanently diminish.
Experience (EXP):
Experience Points are awarded for efforts a player accomplishes. The
most effective way of gaining experience is by killing monsters, among
other miraculous feats. Players may also gain experience points by
participating in the Games Room of the Barracks. After raising a level,
returning to the Complex and visiting the Training Room will increase
player attributes.
Level (LVL):
~~~~~ _
Level 0 = 0 \
Level 1 = 1,000 \
Level 2 = 2,000 ]
Level 3 = 4,000 ]
Level 4 = 8,000 ]
Level 5 = 16,000 ] Experience points double for each level.
Level 6 = 32,000 ]
Level 7 = 64,000 ]
Level 8 = 128,000 /
Level 9 = 256,000 _/
Level 10 = 406,000 \
Level 11 = 556,000 ] Experience points increase by 150,000
Level 12 = 706,000+ _/ for each level.
Once a player has reached the needed experience points for a particular
level, he/she will need to train in the Recruit Chambers. The player
will then receive an attribute bonus of four points to add to either
Strength, Dexterity, or Hit Points. A water crystal bonus is also awarded.