Modified Files:
src/encode/base64.c base64.h hex.c hex.h lzh.c lzh.h utf8.c utf8.h uucode.c yenc.c src/hash/crc16.c crc16.h crc32.c crc32.h md5.c md5.h sha1.c sha1.h src/sbbs3/ans2asc.c ansiterm.cpp answer.cpp ars.c ars_defs.h asc2ans.c atcodes.cpp bat_xfer.cpp bulkmail.cpp chat.cpp chk_ar.cpp chksmb.c client.h cmdshell.h con_hi.cpp con_out.cpp dat_rec.c dat_rec.h data.cpp data_ovl.cpp date_str.c dllexport.h download.cpp dupefind.c echocfg.c email.cpp exec.cpp execfile.cpp execfunc.cpp execmisc.cpp execmsg.cpp execnet.cpp fastcgi.h fido.cpp fidodefs.h file.cpp filedat.c filelist.c finddupes.c findstr.c findstr.h fixsmb.c fmsgdump.c fossdefs.h fossinfo.c ftpsrvr.c ftpsrvr.h getctrl.c getkey.cpp getmail.c getmail.h getmsg.cpp getnode.cpp getstats.c getstats.h getstr.cpp htmlansi.h ident.c ident.h inkey.cpp js_archive.c js_bbs.cpp js_cache.h js_client.c js_com.c js_conio.c js_console.cpp js_cryptcert.c js_cryptcert.h js_cryptcon.c js_cryptcon.h js_cryptkeyset.c js_file.c js_file_area.c js_filebase.c js_global.c js_internal.c js_mqtt.c js_msg_area.c js_msgbase.c js_queue.c js_request.c js_request.h js_rtpool.c js_rtpool.h js_server.c js_socket.c js_socket.h js_sprintf.c js_system.c js_uifc.c js_user.c js_xtrn_area.c jsdebug.c jsdebug.h jsdoor.c jsexec.c listfile.cpp load_cfg.c load_cfg.h logfile.cpp login.cpp logon.cpp logout.cpp mail.cpp mailsrvr.c mailsrvr.h main.cpp makeuser.c mime.c mime.h mqtt.c mqtt.h msdirent.c msdirent.h msg_id.c msg_id.h msgdate.c msgdate.h msgtoqwk.cpp mxlookup.c netmail.cpp newuser.cpp node.c nodedefs.h nopen.c nopen.h ntsvcs.c ntsvcs.h pack_qwk.cpp pack_rep.cpp pktdump.c postmsg.cpp prntfile.cpp putmsg.cpp putnode.cpp qwk.cpp qwk.h qwknodes.c qwktomsg.cpp readmail.cpp readmsgs.cpp readsauce.c readtext.c rechocfg.c ringbuf.c ringbuf.h riodefs.h sauce.c saucedefs.h sbbs_ini.c sbbs_ini.h sbbscon.c sbbsdefs.h sbbsecho.c sbbsecho.h sbbsexec.c scandirs.cpp scansubs.cpp src/sbbs3/scfg/scfg.c scfg.h scfgchat.c scfgmsg.c scfgnet.c scfgnode.c scfgsrvr.c scfgsub.c scfgsys.c scfgxfr1.c scfgxfr2.c scfgxtrn.c src/sbbs3/scfglib.h scfglib1.c scfglib2.c scfgsave.c scfgsave.h services.c services.h sexyz.c sexyz.h sftp.cpp slog.c smbutil.c sockopts.c ssl.c ssl.h startup.h str.cpp str_util.c str_util.h telgate.cpp telnet.c telnet.h text_sec.cpp textgen.c tmp_xfer.cpp trash.c trash.h trashman.c uartdefs.h un_qwk.cpp un_rep.cpp unbaja.c upgrade_to_v319.c upgrade_to_v320.c upload.cpp userdat.c userdat.h useredit.cpp vdd_func.h ver.cpp ver.h viewfile.cpp websrvr.c websrvr.h wordwrap.c writemsg.cpp xmodem.c xmodem.h xtrn.cpp xtrn_sec.cpp zmodem.c zmodem.h src/smblib/smbadd.c smballoc.c smbdefs.h smbdump.c smbfile.c smbhash.c smblib.c smblib.h smbstr.c smbtxt.c src/uifc/filepick.c filepick.h uifc.h uifc32.c uifc_ini.c uifctest.c uifcx.c src/uncrustify.cfg src/xpdev/conwrap.c dat_file.c datewrap.c dirwrap.c filewrap.c genwrap.c haproxy.h ini_file.c link_list.c link_list.h lockfile.c msg_queue.c msg_queue.h multisock.c netwrap.c petdefs.h rwlockwrap.c rwlockwrap.h sdlfuncs.c sdlfuncs.h semfile.c semfile.h semwrap.c semwrap.h showlocks.c sockwrap.c sopenfile.c str_list.c strwrap.c strwrap.h threadwrap.c unicode.c unicode_defs.h wrapdll.h wraptest.c xp_dl.c xp_dl.h xp_syslog.c xp_syslog.h xpbeep.c xpdatetime.c xpdatetime.h xpendian.h xpevent.c xpevent.h xpmap.c xpprintf.c xpprintf.h xpsem.c xptime.c
Log Message:
First pass run of uncrustify (code beautification)
White-space changes only, exception being the rare insertion of NL before closing brace (couldn't find the option to disable that behavior).
I excluded some header files (e.g. sbbs.h) since uncrustify seemed to be doing more harm than good there. I might just end up applying different set of rules to .h files.
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