SyncTERM v1.5 released!
Thanks to everyone who has used 1.4 and reported bugs.
Changes since 1.4:
Support web-based dialing directories
Alt+Home now centres the window on the screen
Add setting to invert mouse wheel
Option to defer telnet negotiation
Use the SAA5050 font for Prestel mode
Add BBC Micro Mode 7 mode
Remove delays when sending login data
Fix Prestel regressions
Fix RIP rendering regressions
Fix 80x43 scrolling bottom line corruption
Fix overlinking with GNUmakefile
Bugs and Support tickets (and feature requests) are tracked on the SourceForge page at if you create a SourceForge account, you can be notified when I reply/fix bugs, and it really helps in case I need to ask follow-up questions, so please consider making that account and logging in before opening a ticket. That said, I would rather have bug reports as anonymous than not know about issues.
Files for 1.5: Bug Tracker:
Support Tracker:
Home page:
■ Synchronet ■ Vertrauen ■ Home of Synchronet ■ [vert/cvs/bbs]