• UN Baja!

    From The Immortal@VERT/KSQUARE to All on Sat Feb 9 14:23:00 2008
    Poser that I am, I'm starting to like me some unbaja.
    It's helpful and powerful, especially if you dont have libraries of
    code memorized.

    I have a question regarding the "ethical" use of UNBAJA.EXE ...

    Is that what it's there for?

    "ASK-QWK Validator thingie-Copyright 1996 by Robert Kluver"

    Does not come with .src, doubt I could register it if the intent was
    there, and he's even set it to self destruct.


    Boy I can't wait to learn how to code that in.

    May I have this guy's code to alter and recompile as I see fit?
    Does this go double for other BAJA mods from the 90's that are
    "Unregistered" or want money? Or basically can't track down the author?

    =\= The Immortal =/=

    ■ Synchronet ■ Kettering Square BBS w00t!
  • From Digital Man@VERT to The Immortal on Sat Feb 9 17:18:40 2008
    Re: UN Baja!
    By: The Immortal to All on Sat Feb 09 2008 02:23 pm

    Poser that I am, I'm starting to like me some unbaja.
    It's helpful and powerful, especially if you dont have libraries of
    code memorized.

    I have a question regarding the "ethical" use of UNBAJA.EXE ...

    Is that what it's there for?


    "ASK-QWK Validator thingie-Copyright 1996 by Robert Kluver"

    Does not come with .src, doubt I could register it if the intent was
    there, and he's even set it to self destruct.


    Boy I can't wait to learn how to code that in.

    May I have this guy's code to alter and recompile as I see fit?
    Does this go double for other BAJA mods from the 90's that are "Unregistered" or want money? Or basically can't track down the author?

    De-compiling abandonware Baja mods is exactly what unbaja was created for. Run with it!

    digital man (xbox-live: digitlman)

    Snapple "Real Fact" #108:
    Licking a stamp burns 10 calories.
    Norco, CA WX: 68.9°F, 35% humidity, 0 mph NE wind, 0.00 inches rain/24hrs

    ■ Synchronet ■ Vertrauen ■ Home of Synchronet ■ [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net
  • From Deuce@VERT/SYNCNIX to The Immortal on Sat Feb 9 19:51:00 2008
    Re: UN Baja!
    By: The Immortal to All on Sat Feb 09 2008 02:23 pm

    I have a question regarding the "ethical" use of UNBAJA.EXE ...
    Is that what it's there for?

    May I have this guy's code to alter and recompile as I see fit?

    No you may not. Unbaja in no way modifies copyright law. Unbaja was written to allow BAJA programs that do not function under new versions of Synchronet
    to be fixed, not to make it easier to exceed your rights.

    Synchronet - Jump on the Web 0.2 bandwagon!

    ■ Synchronet ■ My Brand-New BBS (All the cool SysOps run STOCK!)
  • From Deuce@VERT/SYNCNIX to Digital Man on Sat Feb 9 19:53:00 2008
    Re: UN Baja!
    By: Digital Man to The Immortal on Sat Feb 09 2008 05:18 pm

    De-compiling abandonware Baja mods is exactly what unbaja was created for. Run with it!

    Right, it was NOT written to avoid registering something. The way he asked the question implied that he had no intent of registering it, he was just interested in hacking it.

    Synchronet - Jump on the Web 0.2 bandwagon!

    ■ Synchronet ■ My Brand-New BBS (All the cool SysOps run STOCK!)
  • From MRoblivious1bmf@VERT to Deuce on Sun Feb 10 00:59:22 2008
    To: Deuce
    .,: This is something about UN Baja!,
    Deuce said it to Digital Man on Sat Feb 09 2008 07:53 pm --──────────────────────-────---───────────────---─────────--────────
    Right, it was NOT written to avoid registering something. The way he asked question implied that he had no intent of registering it, he was just interested in hacking it.

    that being said, the only baja mods that were even close to being worth registering were smegs.

    |15 .─.┌ ┬ ┬┬ ┬┬.─.┬ ┬┌┐
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    |07 `─'└┘┴┘┴`\/'┴`─'└-┘└┘
    |08°∙·.[|04Edge of oblivion bbs |12eob-bbs.com|08].·∙°|15

    --- Synchronet 3.14a-Win32 NewsLink 1.85
    * eob - Racine, WisconSIN - telnet://eob-bbs.com
    ■ Synchronet ■ Vertrauen ■ Home of Synchronet ■ [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net
  • From Corey@VERT/TSGC to The Immortal on Sun Feb 10 13:39:00 2008
    Re: UN Baja!
    By: The Immortal to All on Sat Feb 09 2008 02:23 pm

    Poser that I am, I'm starting to like me some unbaja.
    It's helpful and powerful, especially if you dont have libraries of
    code memorized.

    I have a question regarding the "ethical" use of UNBAJA.EXE ...

    Is that what it's there for?

    "ASK-QWK Validator thingie-Copyright 1996 by Robert Kluver"

    Does not come with .src, doubt I could register it if the intent was
    there, and he's even set it to self destruct.


    Boy I can't wait to learn how to code that in.

    May I have this guy's code to alter and recompile as I see fit?
    Does this go double for other BAJA mods from the 90's that are "Unregistered" or want money? Or basically can't track down the author?

    =\= The Immortal =/=

    easy prolly just like a foxpro program I had.
    do a date check and if after the date set delete.

    Caput meum major podice meo.
    This message has ended, go in peace...

    ■ Synchronet ■ Three Stooges Gentlemens Club - Las Vegas, Nv - tsgc.dyndns.org
  • From The Immortal@VERT/KSQUARE to Corey on Sun Feb 10 22:33:00 2008
    Re: UN Baja!
    By: Corey to The Immortal on Sun Feb 10 2008 01:39 pm

    easy prolly just like a foxpro program I had.
    do a date check and if after the date set delete.

    INT t
    TIME t
    INT d
    SET d 96
    STRSTR STR "96"
    GOTO rest_of_the_prog

    omfg I can code
    the end of the world is nigh...

    =\= The Immortal =/=

    ■ Synchronet ■ Kettering Square BBS w00t!
  • From Corey@VERT/TSGC to The Immortal on Mon Feb 11 00:46:00 2008
    Re: UN Baja!
    By: The Immortal to Corey on Sun Feb 10 2008 10:33 pm

    Re: UN Baja!
    By: Corey to The Immortal on Sun Feb 10 2008 01:39 pm

    easy prolly just like a foxpro program I had.
    do a date check and if after the date set delete.

    INT t
    TIME t
    INT d
    SET d 96
    STRSTR STR "96"
    GOTO rest_of_the_prog

    omfg I can code
    the end of the world is nigh...

    =\= The Immortal =/=

    I had a bad code last month, took a whole bottle of whiskey to shake it.

    Caput meum major podice meo.
    This message has ended, go in peace...

    ■ Synchronet ■ Three Stooges Gentlemens Club - Las Vegas, Nv - tsgc.dyndns.org
  • From W8ZZU@VERT/SCANNER to Corey on Mon Feb 11 10:22:00 2008
    Re: UN Baja!
    By: Corey to The Immortal on Mon Feb 11 2008 12:46 am

    I had a bad code last month, took a whole bottle of whiskey to shake it.

    WAKA WAKA WAKA!!!! Not Jesus juice? :)

    Jason - W8ZZU
    Total Logged Contacts = 1742
    Last Contact: KI4JEK on 40 SSB. Location: VA. 1/27/08 at 21:30 UTC

    ■ Synchronet ■ Scanner Enthusiasts BBS - scannerbbs.dyndns.org - *Dove-Net
  • From Corey@VERT/TSGC to W8ZZU on Mon Feb 11 09:00:00 2008
    Re: UN Baja!
    By: W8ZZU to Corey on Mon Feb 11 2008 10:22 am

    Re: UN Baja!
    By: Corey to The Immortal on Mon Feb 11 2008 12:46 am

    I had a bad code last month, took a whole bottle of whiskey to shake it.

    WAKA WAKA WAKA!!!! Not Jesus juice? :)

    Jason - W8ZZU
    Total Logged Contacts = 1742
    Last Contact: KI4JEK on 40 SSB. Location: VA. 1/27/08 at 21:30 UTC

    you know how much wine you would have to drink to kill a virus?

    Caput meum major podice meo.
    This message has ended, go in peace...

    ■ Synchronet ■ Three Stooges Gentlemens Club - Las Vegas, Nv - tsgc.dyndns.org
  • From W8ZZU@VERT/SCANNER to Corey on Mon Feb 11 13:02:00 2008
    Re: UN Baja!
    By: Corey to W8ZZU on Mon Feb 11 2008 09:00 am

    I had a bad code last month, took a whole bottle of whiskey to shake it.

    WAKA WAKA WAKA!!!! Not Jesus juice? :)

    you know how much wine you would have to drink to kill a virus?

    <shrug> Some wines have alot of alcohol in them.

    Jason - W8ZZU
    Total Logged Contacts = 1742
    Last Contact: KI4JEK on 40 SSB. Location: VA. 1/27/08 at 21:30 UTC

    ■ Synchronet ■ Scanner Enthusiasts BBS - scannerbbs.dyndns.org - *Dove-Net
  • From Smeg@VERT to Digital Man on Tue Jan 6 12:13:00 2009
    Re: UN Baja!
    By: Digital Man to The Immortal on Sat Feb 09 2008 05:18 pm

    May I have this guy's code to alter and recompile as I see fit?
    Does this go double for other BAJA mods from the 90's that are "Unregistered" or want money? Or basically can't track down the author?

    De-compiling abandonware Baja mods is exactly what unbaja was created for. R with it!

    heh :)

    ■ Synchronet ■ Vertrauen ■ Home of Synchronet ■ [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net
  • From Corey@VERT/TSGC to Smeg on Tue Jan 6 12:25:20 2009
    Re: UN Baja!
    By: Smeg to Digital Man on Tue Jan 06 2009 12:13 pm

    Re: UN Baja!
    By: Digital Man to The Immortal on Sat Feb 09 2008 05:18 pm

    May I have this guy's code to alter and recompile as I see fit?
    Does this go double for other BAJA mods from the 90's that are "Unregistered" or want money? Or basically can't track down the author

    De-compiling abandonware Baja mods is exactly what unbaja was created for with it!

    heh :)

    update your mods for sbbs 3 and we will consider it...

    Caput meum major podice meo.
    This message has ended, go in peace...

    ■ Synchronet ■ Three Stooges Gentlemens Club - Las Vegas, Nv - tsgc.dyndns.org
  • From Digital Man@VERT to Smeg on Tue Jan 6 16:38:34 2009
    Re: UN Baja!
    By: Smeg to Digital Man on Tue Jan 06 2009 12:13 pm

    Re: UN Baja!
    By: Digital Man to The Immortal on Sat Feb 09 2008 05:18 pm

    May I have this guy's code to alter and recompile as I see fit?
    Does this go double for other BAJA mods from the 90's that are "Unregistered" or want money? Or basically can't track down the author?

    De-compiling abandonware Baja mods is exactly what unbaja was created for. R with it!

    heh :)

    Here are 5 Digi-dollars: $$$$$ (worth 1 Shrutebuck). :-)

    digital man (xbox-live: digitlman)

    Snapple "Real Fact" #35:
    Elephants only sleep 2 hours a day.
    Norco, CA WX: ---°F, ---% humidity, NaN mph --- wind, 0.00 inches rain/24hrs

    ■ Synchronet ■ Vertrauen ■ Home of Synchronet ■ [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net