Uploaded Sat May 18 2024 17:29:15
Uploaded Sat May 18 2024 17:29:15
Uploaded Sat May 18 2024 17:29:15
International 50MHZ beacon list8085sys.zip (10K)
Uploaded Sat May 18 2024 17:29:15
Uploaded Sat May 18 2024 17:29:15
World Maps for Africaantarcti.zip (19K)
Uploaded Sat May 18 2024 17:29:15
World Maps for Antarcticaaorbeta.zip (73K)
Uploaded Sat May 18 2024 17:29:15
AORScanMaker - Fsearch 1.5 progarbbs004.zip (13K)
Uploaded Sat May 18 2024 17:29:15
N2UTO Latest Amateur Radio BBS list for 04/01/95 Please Send Updates to The Roy Hobbs BBS in Moonachie NJ 201-641-7307 201-641-6847 cono.delrosso saltair.com cono.delrosso f592.n107.z1.fidonet.orgarrl.zip (268K)
Uploaded Sat May 18 2024 17:29:15
This is the latest version of the ARRL Author's Guide, as revised April 4, 1994. The two files contained here contain the same text in plain-ASCII file format (AUTHORGU.ASC) and in Microsoft Word for Windows 2.0 format (AUTHORDU.DOCasia.zip (108K)
Uploaded Sat May 18 2024 17:29:15
World Maps for Asiaatten_22.zip (30K)
Uploaded Sat May 18 2024 17:29:15
You have 10 W out, but the amplifier needs 3 Win. What do you do with the rest? This program lets you calculate Pi- and T-network attenuators. Also calculates power dissipa- tion of the resistors and values for diffe- rent in/out impedances. Shareware de OH0NCaustrali.zip (23K)
Uploaded Sat May 18 2024 17:29:15
World Maps for Australiaauthorgd.zip (40K)
Uploaded Sat May 18 2024 17:29:15
This is the latest version of the ARRL Author's Guide, as revised April 4, 1994. The two files contained here contain the same text in plain-ASCII file format (AUTHORGU.ASC) and in Microsoft Word for Windows 2.0 format (AUTHORDU.DOCbaytrm10.zip (119K)
Uploaded Sat May 18 2024 17:29:15
A BAYCOM style terminal program that would work with their full-blown TNC'sbeacons.zip (34K)
Uploaded Sat May 18 2024 17:29:15
Beacons Listbeam21.zip (48K)
Uploaded Sat May 18 2024 17:29:15
BEAM": Quick, simple beam analysis. (12/93) Everything is built-in! Analyzes 10 different load conditions, 6 different materials (Oak, Pine, Steel, Stainless, Aluminum, Concrete, Brass and User-Defined). Predefined cross- sectional shapes of Angle I-Beam, Pipe, Rectangular Tube, Solid and T-Beam (same as Angle From Engineers' Shareware. Ver. 2.1bpdos.zip (49K)
Uploaded Sat May 18 2024 17:29:15
Band Plan is a graphical representation of U.S. amateur privileges from 160 meters to 23 centimeters. It contains mode and frequency information for Novice, Technician, Technician +, General Advanced, and Extra licensees. It is designed as a quick reference guidebpwin20.zip (49K)
Uploaded Sat May 18 2024 17:29:15
Band Plan is a graphical representation of U.S. amateur privileges from 160 meters to 23 centimeters. It contains mode and frequency information for Novice, Technician, Technician +, General Advanced, and Extra licensees. It is designed as a quick reference guide that can be kept on-screen or minimizedcallv2_1.zip (178K)
Uploaded Sat May 18 2024 17:29:15
This is a little program to keep track of the Call Signs of people that you talk to It lets you record peoples Call Sign, Name, City, State, Basic and Expanded comments and print reports by Call Sign, Name, City State or Basic comments It lets you send the report to the screen for previewing, a disk file for transmission, or further editing, or your printer (LPT1-4 I created it so that I could better remember who I talked to and their interests, etc. I did write myself notes, but found that keeping track of all those notes was a pain. I now record the info in the computer and print a report every once and a while, until I associate Call Signs with people. It may seem impersonal to some, but it helps me to remember peoples names. Some people can remember Call Signs easily, but many newcomers (such as myself) it takes a little longer to make the association It can also help clubs distribute info about members including other hobbies and interests, birthdates, spouse and kids names favorite frequencies, bands, modes (Packet, ATV, Low power, 2-meter RACES etccan_usa.zip (198K)
Uploaded Sat May 18 2024 17:29:15
The information provided in WHAMLOG.DAT is edited from the FCC's file AMDATA.DAT.GZ. That file is publicly available from the FCC's server at FTP.FCC.GOV. WHAMLOG.DAT attempts to reduce this massive data into a form easily useable by Mediumwave DXers The data contained in WHAMLOG.DAT is simple ASCII format and can be easily manipulated in a wordprocessor. Use 12-15 cpi as the font size, to produce neat output, one record per line when printing Users have imported the file into spreadsheets and into database programs also. Even simple DOS commands such as FIND and TYPE may be used to filter some of the information into secondary files. For example, the DOS command FIND " BR. " < WHAMLOG.DAT > BRAZIL.DAT will output all Brazilian records into the file BRAZIL.DATclipart.zip (491K)
Uploaded Sat May 18 2024 17:29:15
Ham Radio Iconscoaxlist.zip (1K)
Uploaded Sat May 18 2024 17:29:15
LIST OF COAX TYPES and their DB LOSScoil.zip (22K)
Uploaded Sat May 18 2024 17:29:15
This program computes the electrical self inductance of various shapes and sizes of air core coilsdaubwave.zip (43K)
Uploaded Sat May 18 2024 17:29:15
The purpose of this program is to perform wavelet based operations on a data set. It should be useful in learning orthogonal wavelet analysis as well as data analysis using orthogonal wavelets. This program uses orthogonal wavelet analysis based on Daubechies derived coefficientsdbrain.zip (26K)
Uploaded Sat May 18 2024 17:29:15
The DigiBrain's Brain I think we all know a little about microprocessors and central processing units (CPUs). These gadgets run in computers and crunch numbers as well as driving monitors and writing data to our printers and so on. The difference between a microcontroller CPU and a more mainstream chip like the Pentium or 68040 is the amount of support chips needed. A microcontroller is often connected directly to LEDs and switches. It needs a minimum of external parts, as it has its own dedicated I/O ports as well as scratch RAM and a program burned into EPROM (or EEROM.) A chip like the Pentium needs outboard RAM, memory controllers, I/O buffers and gobs of "glue logic" so all these components work together properly Choosing a CPU Some people get all bent out of shape over one brand of CPU versus the other. I say, "Look at the cost and what you want to do with it!" The Motorola 68HC705J1A family, which I used, has some good feature--but than so do the Intel Zilog, Parallax and many other chips. In fact, the first version of the DigiBrain used an old Intel 8751 and it worked just fine! My final choice of the 68HC705J1A was (as usual) cost, cost, cost, availability and maybe a chance to challenge my programming skills. The version I used comes in a skinny 20-pin package with 1.2 kbytes of EPROM and a handful of RAM. The trick would be cramming everything into this tiny package. Some of you are probably giving this account the fish eye, as it seems impossible to program anything useful in 1 kbyte of RAM, right? I mean, everyone knows that Word 6.0 for Windows fits on a dozen 1.44 megabyte disks. Well, just remember that the earliest home machines, such as the Altair and Intelec8, started with 256 bytes of RAM and later moved up to a whopping 4 k. People managed to get these machines to do all sorts of clever stuff. The trick was careful coding in assembler! (Seeing how long some of today's programs take to load, you might wish that a few more people had developed that assembler programming skill Design Tools One of the things going for the Motorola CPU was its cost The one-time-programmable parts are surprisingly inexpensive. When I ordered my 68HC705J1A designer's kit, it only set me back $99.95. I looked at the development kits for other popular microprocessors and they all cost $200 on up! The Motorola kit comes with an integrated editor/assembler/debugger as well as a programmer that plugs into your PC's serial port and a sample of the erasable version of the part. The surprise was that the programmer card doubles as an in-circuit emulator. A software emulator lets you simulate a microprocessor (such as the 68HC705J1A in software on a different computer (such as your generic PC)--a very useful thing to have while testing snippets of code. Remember, though, that Motorola supplies a software and hardware emulator. This gadget allows you to plug a cable into your new design and run and simulate the action of the CPU. Thus, without programming any 68HC705J1A parts with alpha or beta versions of my program, I was able to try routines and program the Harris DDS and so on! This also allowed me to determine which CPU input was which on my bungled prototype board I think the reason this seems so fantastic to me is that the last chance I had to use such a device was when I was working on a 68000-based computer. The Hewlett-Packard in circuit emulator I used cost our company 30+ kilodollars Although it was a tad fancier than the one offered by Motorola for 99 bucks and change, the functional differences aren't worth mentioning. As I've said before, we are indeed living in a new golden era of designing and constructing ham gear at home. With tools like these, new and wonderful gadgets can be designed quite easily Making It Fit At first glance, the 68HC705J1A (what a mouthful) didn't appear to have enough I/O lines for the DigiBrain project Then I remembered that I was dealing with a real CPU. It was simply a matter of using the chip's Port A as my 8-bit data bus and turning this into two separate 8-bit ports for LCD and DDS control. This required a set of 74ALS574 latches and two bits from Port B--pretty good, synthesizing 16 bits from 10! To write the LCD, I send the byte to Port A and toggle the latch bit to the LCD 74ALS574 (U3). If I want to write to the DDS, I write my data to Port A again and toggle the latch bit to the other 74ALS574. I also decided to use the LCD module in 4-bit-data mode. (I had to do this because I needed an additional three lines to control the panel.) I suppose I could've simply added a third 74ALS574 for a third port to control eight extra output lines. But doing so would have raised the DigiBrain's cost and lost that "spare" I/O line on Port B--and I can't forget Craswell's Law: Software once written and working, of course) is cheaper than hardware.--WBOVNEdemand20.zip (217K)
Uploaded Sat May 18 2024 17:29:15
Residential Electrical Reports. Demand 2.0 This application produces professional, customized reports for the demand calculation on new or existing single dwellings according to the requirements of the 1993 National Electrical Code (NEC) NFPA 70 Shareware ($39) from Electrical Design Softwaredigivfo.zip (308K)
Uploaded Sat May 18 2024 17:29:15
A86 macro assembler, V3.71 now with INCLUDE files, listings, no limit on size of source files, fwd refs in complex expressions, END operand, default ORG END in DATA SEGMENT, and moredlanet.zip (55K)
Uploaded Sat May 18 2024 17:29:15
Polynomial/circuit analysis, w/built-in editordspice0b.zip (167K)
Uploaded Sat May 18 2024 17:29:15
128Mb Spice 2g6 circuit simulator. Req 386/387dspice0s.zip (412K)
Uploaded Sat May 18 2024 17:29:15
These sources are originally compiled using gcc 1.39 on a 386bsd 0.1 OS, and then linked with dos functions using D.J. Delorie's port for gcc. You need the f2c library for djgpp, which was also uploaded to SIMTEL20, under the name F2C_LIB0.ZIPdwelcalc.zip (160K)
Uploaded Sat May 18 2024 17:29:15
Residential Electric Reports 1.0: Facilitates electrical code calculations for residences. 1. Required service size for single dwelling. 2. Electric energy cost for single rate, dual rate, or off-peak rates. 3. Create and print custom panel directories Reports can be sent to the screen, a file, or a printer. Includes on-line help with NEC references. Shareware ($39) from Electrical Design Softwaredx_w2iol.zip (31K)
Uploaded Sat May 18 2024 17:29:15
DX Gazetteerdxcom231.zip (379K)
Uploaded Sat May 18 2024 17:29:15
DX-COMM Plus Rel. 2.31 from EBS Consultants. A shortwave broadcast database mgmt program providing a total monitoring environment for use with the Drake R8 communications receiv- er. It allows the user to control the R8, upload database records, download freq from the R8 into the database. It includes a terminal window for a TNC, and imports the TRS database. The user can create up to 32 databases with over 5000 records eachee11.zip (297K)
Uploaded Sat May 18 2024 17:29:15
EE - Design & Analysis Software for Electrical Engineering Students and Professionalseef3.zip (86K)
Uploaded Sat May 18 2024 17:29:15
This program contains a collection of basic electrical and electronic formulas, which can be found in any electrical engineering handbook. The software was developed, in an effort, to alleviate the necessity of looking up individual formulas each time they are needed. This software includes the most commonly used electrical and electronic formulas The software was complied to include the use of a math coprocessor if one is present. The coprocessor will be emulated if one is not found in your systemelectrc3.zip (43K)
Uploaded Sat May 18 2024 17:29:15
ELECTRC3 is designed to perform most common electrical contracting calculations such as Power/voltage/current/resistance of resistive loads Lighting fixture calculations based on zonal cavity method Calculate voltage drop for various loads, voltages and run lengths Calculate required wire size based on allowable voltage drops Determine the cost to operate various loads at different kwh charges Determine conduit size for combination of different wire sizes typeselmer100.zip (63K)
Uploaded Sat May 18 2024 17:29:15
ELMER is a tool for demonstrating expert system techniques, or building any any interactive knowledgebase. It is ideal for use in amateur radio, or as a knowledgebase in a software (or any other product) support facilityemepapr.zip (58K)
Uploaded Sat May 18 2024 17:29:15
Moonbounce or EME (Earth-Moon-Earth) is the Art of contacting fellow Amateurs using the Moon as a passive reflector.What is needed to work this mode? That's a loaded question! For some 48 5 wavelength yagis is still not enough! My goal here is to help you make informed decisions as how best to be proceed in constructing a EME station of your ownemetst4.zip (18K)
Uploaded Sat May 18 2024 17:29:15
The MODTEST4.EXE program allows a soundcard to drive the microphone input of a transmitter with experimental modulation. The modulation and coding has been designed specifically for EME channel characteristics to take advantage of libration fading and accommodate signal drift/dispersion. I have estimated the coding gain for the ASCII encoded signal at aprox 10db better than a morse code signal for the same transmitted letter. The transmitter should be in USB to transmit the audio modulation from the Soundcardenc11.zip (161K)
Uploaded Sat May 18 2024 17:29:15
IONSOUND HDX TURBO is a very sophisticated ionospheric propagation prediction program for frequencies between 1.8 MHz and 30 MHz. IONSOUND HDX TURBO is a member of the IONSOUND family of programs which have been evolving for a number of years. Geographical regions corresponding to those shown in ARRL's QST magazine "How's DX?" column can primarily be chosen from the TX and RX location menus along with several others not found in QST IONSOUND HDX TURBO has been designed with user friendliness in mind and is entirely menu-driven, with prompting for various user inputs to the program. It should be emphasized that a comprehensive understanding of propagation phenomena and the technical terms associated with the scientific forecasting of propagation is helpful, but not necessary, to become skilled in the use of IONSOUND HDX TURBO. The goal of the program is to produce an easy-to-interpret tabular prediction of radio frequency (RF link performance between two locations on the earth's surfaceeurope.zip (94K)
Uploaded Sat May 18 2024 17:29:15
Map of Europe - part of WORLDMAP packagefaisyn20.zip (60K)
Uploaded Sat May 18 2024 17:29:15
FAISYN is a low cost, effective alternative to expensive commer cial filter synthesis packages. The program has been used successfully to design countless lumped element filters and diplexers from 10's of KHz to 1.5GHz and is the result of many years experience in filter design. Many designers know that filter design is often an iterative process. In the old days a lot of tedious number grinding was required to arrive at an optimal solution. FAISYN eases the burden by allowing the designer to quickly synthesize a variety of circuits that can be simulated and compared using your favorite circuit simulator ( FAISYN currently supports PSPICE-TM Microsim, MMICAD-TM Optotek and TOUCHSTONE-TM HP/EESOF circuit formatsfcc_pt97.zip (37K)
Uploaded Sat May 18 2024 17:29:15
Uploaded Sat May 18 2024 17:29:15
FilDes is a synthesis program for electronic filter design using lumped element structures. As such, it will find its greatest application between 1 and 1000 MHz. Below this range, active filters are the usual choice; above it, the filters are usually though not always) built using distributed components FilDes should be easy to use for the experienced filter designer as well as the newcomer. Its input requirements are the things that must be known to design a filter with pencil and paper. It outputs lists of components with notation common to the CAD programs SuperCOMPACT STAR SuperSTAR, and others. The component is listed with its value and the term PAR, if it is connected to ground, or SER if it is connected to the next component listed. Another way of stating PAR is SHUNT; par was chosen for consistency with SuperCOMPACT. Bandpass (BP Bandreject (BR Narrow Bandpass (NBP) and Elliptic filters will have LC combinations with the designation PLC if they are connected in a parallel LC configuration or SLC if they are in series configuration, as well as the PAR or SER circuit connection. The filters can be printed to a text mode printer non-postscript) or to a Touchstone(r) format disk file FilDes will run on all PC or compatible machines. Output dis plays are in textmode windows. Memory requirements are well below the common 640 K in today's machines. A CGA or better color monitor is re quired. A math co-processor is not required, but will speed up certain sections dramatically on PC, XT or slower AT type machines Fildes runs under the File Manager from inside Microsoft Windows version 3.1, or from a DOS prompt. I have only run it from the DOS command line in OS/2filter11.zip (38K)
Uploaded Sat May 18 2024 17:29:15
The purpose of this program is to A.) Provide some basic background for those who are investigating the principles of electronics, and filters in particular for the first time, or to provide a review for those who studied it sometime ago Potential problems are covered, to make it easier to get what you want B.) To aid those who need a good bandpass filter design for some audio application, and would like the computer to generate a schematic, and compute values C.) To help those who need a filter, to choose components that will perform as desired, or atleast to help make a sensible compromise This includes guidelines and suggestions as totheoperational amplifierchoices availablefiltry10.zip (59K)
Uploaded Sat May 18 2024 17:29:15
Nearly everytime you construct a new piece of equipment you have to design some filter. It's exactly the same for me! Now there are several ways to solve this problem: to look in catalogues and handbooks, to ask a colleague, etc. The quickest way, however, is to say your computer: "I need an active low-pass filter with no more than -0.32 dB up to 3.25 kHz and with more than 22 dB attenuation at 4.06 kHz.". "And should it be Tchebychev or Butterworth ?", it replies. "Butterworth!", you answer. The schematic diagram then appears on the screen instantaneously. It would be nice, wouldn't it ? But it IS nice! This program is in your hands. Its name is FILTRY (plural for 'filter' in Czech). It's a kind of "autonavigation program" and it needs no manual. Just type the word 'filtry' and then let the program guide you. You can print out the schematic diagram - hitfltr100.zip (3K). You can also store the picture on the disk and print out it sometime later - by using the program "ZOBRAZ" (it means 'represent
Uploaded Sat May 18 2024 17:29:15
FLTR.EXE filters incoming DX spots on a PacketCluster link. It passes DX spots only from designated nodes and filters out spots from all other nodes. FLTR is a small TSR that works in conjunction with the G8BPQ packet-switch software. To use FLTR load it after BPQCODE and before DEDHOST FLTR reads the callsigns of allowed nodes from the ASCII file FLTR.NOD. Separate callsigns with any combination of spaces, tabs, commas, and new lines. Use upper or lower case Include any SSIDs in the callsigns. The maximum length of FLTR.NOD is 1024 bytes FLTR displays an error message if it can't find FLTR.NOD, if an error occurs while reading the file, or if the file is too large. FLTR aborts installation and sets ERRORLEVEL to 1 whenever an error occurs. You can test ERRORLEVEL in the batch file you use to load the program Because DX/callsign spots attributed to another callsign also use that callsign as the node, FLTR will remove these spots from the link even if they come from a designated nodefrglod10.zip (14K)
Uploaded Sat May 18 2024 17:29:15
The purpose of this program is to have the ability of making backups" of the channel memory of the YAESU FRG-100 shortwave receiver, and to program data to the channel memory. The data file to be programmed can be created with any text editor, or a file containing previously read data can be used The purpose was not to have a comfortable "full screen" computer aided control of the FRG-100fsd.zip (228K)
Uploaded Sat May 18 2024 17:29:15
HIRAM - ARRL Bulletin Board Text Files including Hamfest Dates Files.bbsgc100b.zip (7K)
Uploaded Sat May 18 2024 17:29:15
GETCALL ver. 1.00, utility for Wildcat! WCCode utility that interfaces with the QRZ! ham call database CD. For version 4.01 of Wildcatgc103.zip (19K)
Uploaded Sat May 18 2024 17:29:15
This program is used to determine bearing and range to a station given the latitude and longitude of both stationsgeoclock.zip (452K)
Uploaded Sat May 18 2024 17:29:15
GEODOC.zip Documentation for GeoClockgeost.zip (58K)
Uploaded Sat May 18 2024 17:29:15
The program GEOST is designed as an aid for the installation of antenna systems for geo-stationary satellites. All such satellites are placed in a circular orbit above the equator. Their angular velocity is equated to the angular velocity of the earth, in order to maintain each of them always above the same point of the earth surface. Therefore, tracking a determined geo-stationary satellite is a trivial operation, as any observer sees it as a motionless object in the sky. However, the problem which arises is that of installing the antenna system in such a way that it is always directed towards points lying on the orbit of geo-stationary satellites, when it is rotated in any direction, since in this way it turns out to be easy to have access to different satellites section 9). The program GEOST supplies the values of azimuth and elevation for three "pilot" satellites which are denoted by Western", "Central" and "Eastern" respectively (see section 3 One should choose those which are more appropriate for the given location. The idea is to assume as "Central" the satellite which is more or less positioned on the same meridian circle as the site of the user. The "Western" and"Eastern" satellites are the extreme ones in the West and East directions respectively, among the ones seen by the observation point or, otherwise, among the ones which the user wants to receive. The program also displays the elevation under which the antenna sees the culminating point of the geo-stationary orbit: this value is generally equal to the elevation of the central satellite, if its choice has been made in a reasonable way. The last value provided by GEOST is the difference between the direction of the meridian of the observer and his azimuth bearing for the central satellite: this allows an easy calibration of the geographic orientation: in fact, the compass is not accurate enough for our goals. The difference is computed with respect to the South direction for the points on the boreal (northern) hemisphere and with respect to the North direction for the points on the austral (southern) hemispheregeoxtr60.zip (191K)
Uploaded Sat May 18 2024 17:29:15
Extra files for GeoClock sunlight clock. These files require GEOCLK60, and include three additional maps, several utility programs, and the data base for configuring GeoClock by US zip codegmtclk.zip (37K)
Uploaded Sat May 18 2024 17:29:15
GMT Clock for Windowsgold_chk.zip (14K)
Uploaded Sat May 18 2024 17:29:15
program was developed to help owners of KaGOLD and PkGOLD determine their system configuration -- especially if their systems have enough file handles to run the software Displays total FILE handles setting, including any added after boot timegold_pk.zip (315K)
Uploaded Sat May 18 2024 17:29:15
PkGOLD for AEA TNCs, KaGOLD for Kantronics TNCsgrt_cir.zip (101K)
Uploaded Sat May 18 2024 17:29:15
GREAT CIRCLE is a program for use by amateur radio operators. Its purpose is to provide antenna direction from one amateur radio station to another. This program calculates, draws and displays a great circle map using the home QTH as the center point. The map will contain the location of both stations, the path, and antenna direction and distances between the two locations This program was compiled using Borland's Turbo C 2.0 for DOS. The program was tested using 8088, 286, 386 and 486 computers. But requires a VGA monitor. Computers with floating point hardware create the map much faster than those requiring software emulation. After the map is created it is saved to a file. Each time the map is displayed, it is loaded from the file into the video memory. Recalculation and recreation of the map are only necessary if the home QTH information is changed A data base containing world wide call areas, latitude, longitude city and country names is included. A simple editor is provided to delete unwanted locations, add new locations and modify or correct existing records in the data base. The data base is loaded into memory when the program is started Using this programming method, the data base must meet a size requirement not to exceed 64K bytes, which is about 700 records. The included data base contains about 550 records of data with room for about 150 additional records the user can enter. Unwanted records can be deleted and replaced with desired location data. This will allow the user to tailor the data base to his particular need A great circle map is drawn using coordinate data created by the Central Intelligence Agency and placed in the public domain by Fred Pospeschil and Antonio Riveria. Each mapping point and segment is read from a file. The distance and direction from the user's home QTH to that point is calculated The result is converted to x, y coordinates and displayed on the monitor as a pixel or line segment. The coasts of continents and islands are drawn, the water areas are color filled and the map is saved to a file for loading upon request When the operator enters a call area or location of a desired station, the data base is searched for a match to the request. If found, the great circle map is loaded and displayed with the path drawn between the two locations The antenna direction, distance and location of each station is also displayedham_dtmf.zip (4K)
Uploaded Sat May 18 2024 17:29:15
Uploaded Sat May 18 2024 17:29:15
List of Amateur Radio World Wide Web pages on Internet. In HTML format, suitable for use as a bookmark filehambbs.zip (18K)
Uploaded Sat May 18 2024 17:29:15
Ham Radio Bulletin Boardshamcal95.zip (462K)
Uploaded Sat May 18 2024 17:29:15
Uploaded Sat May 18 2024 17:29:15
HAMCLUB v1.00 Storage/Retrieval database for amateur radio operators. Perfect for a club roster. Fields for name/address/phone, callsign & comments. Will work with any machine, monitor & mouse. Released as shareware, $5 registration fee. March 25, 1995 - Graham Chatfield (VA3GPChamfaq.zip (45K)
Uploaded Sat May 18 2024 17:29:15
Introduction to Amateur Radio FAQshamftp.zip (3K)
Uploaded Sat May 18 2024 17:29:15
FTP sites containing amateur radio datahamicons.zip (17K)
Uploaded Sat May 18 2024 17:29:15
Ham Radio Iconshamlists.zip (3K)
Uploaded Sat May 18 2024 17:29:15
Amateur Radio Mailing Lists on the Internethamman.zip (71K)
Uploaded Sat May 18 2024 17:29:15
HamMan is an on-line Ham Radio reference guide. HamMan is not a Ham Radio tutorial or license upgrade quiz pool. The focus of HamMan is to provide finger-tip access to those items of information which are difficult to recall from memory and hard to find quickly in books. HamMan helps to remind the user of such items as the phonetic alphabet, Q signals, on-air time, and other itemshamsaver.zip (191K)
Uploaded Sat May 18 2024 17:29:15
Ham Radio Screen Saverhamt310.zip (32K)
Uploaded Sat May 18 2024 17:29:15
HAMTIMER is a program to keep track of time elapsed while you rag-chew or work a station on ham radio. Every 9.5 minutes, an alarm will sound, reminding you that it is time to ID your staztion call over the air. HAMTIMER provides a nice display showing you the other station name and call, the number of minutes and seconds elapsed during qso and the date and timehamware.zip (467K)
Uploaded Sat May 18 2024 17:29:15
TNC & CW Operating Environmenthb305.zip (165K)
Uploaded Sat May 18 2024 17:29:15
HamBase v3.05 beta from J-Commyhcall36.zip (142K)
Uploaded Sat May 18 2024 17:29:15
HamCall Lookup program v3.6 by Carl Tice (WC! 4.1x .wcx) Amatuer Radio Call-Sign Look-up Program for HAMCALL by BuckMasterhurtrk50.zip (656K)
Uploaded Sat May 18 2024 17:29:15
1994 VERSION (5.0) of HURRTRAK. New version of the most sophisticated HURRICANE TRACK- ING SYSTEM for the PC. More DETAILED tracking charts (2KM resolution), PULL DOWN menus, MOUSE CONTROL, are some of the new features. The hurricane wind structure including location of the EYE and EYE WALL is shown on the selected tracking chart. Over 200 pre-defined city locations are included with the ability to add more. An HISTORICAL ANALYSIS program allows you to view past storms. This system was demoed at the Nat. Hurricane Conference in March, 94icom_cat.zip (15K)
Uploaded Sat May 18 2024 17:29:15
This program is for interfacing a computer to the Icom IC-737 transceiver using the Icom CT-17 Level Converter (CI-V). It is a QBasic conversion from the NEC Basic programs provided in the CT-17 manualid_wt491.zip (167K)
Uploaded Sat May 18 2024 17:29:15
The ID LOGIC (R) World Time Clock indicates the current time in most timezones around the world and takes Summer Time (DST automatically into account (both in the Northern- and Southern-hemisphere). In addition, the clock - which is fully dynamic - indicates clearly the date division The ID LOGIC World Time Clock is also part of the ID LOGIC Shortwave Simulator for Windows which simulates the shortwave receiver of the (near) future which will permit the automatic scanning for a station by name, language, schedule and other attributesid_wt524.zip (396K)
Uploaded Sat May 18 2024 17:29:15
World-Time Clockidfreq13.zip (12K)
Uploaded Sat May 18 2024 17:29:15
IDFREQS (IDentify FREQuencieS) is a program written for scanner owners that allows them to print out a list of all frequencies stored in their scanner, along with text descriptions of agencies that use them. Since some scanners will actually "round" a frequency when entered, and since you can actually hear frequencies that are just a few khz off of center, IDFREQS considers frequencies that are within 3khz of each other as the same IDFREQS first loads a file that you create containing channel numbers along with the corresponding frequencies, currently in your scanner Next, master frequency data base file(s), that contain frequencies along with text describing them, are searched to find descriptions of who uses those frequencies. If there is enough memory to do so descriptions for each frequency are sorted alphabetically. The results of the search are written to another file that you specifyimages.zip (430K)
Uploaded Sat May 18 2024 17:29:15
intermod.zip (57K)Uploaded Sat May 18 2024 17:29:15
Intermodulation (IM) occurs whenever one or more radio frequencies are combined in a non-linear device. This produces sum and difference frequencies which are known as IM products. The non-linear device may be a transmitter, a receiver, an isolator, a bad connector or any number of other items. Sometimes the condition is desirable, as in the mixer stage of a superheterodyne receiver where signals are combined and selected to produce the familiar "Intermediate Frequencies" (I.F.). Most of the time however, intermodulation is undesirable and steps must be taken to prevent or eliminate the conditions which give rise to intermodulation. Such measures usually include the use of circulators and cavities to prevent signals from entering the final amplifier stages of transmitters, and the use of band-pass cavities at the inputs of receivers. These factors are of special concern at mountain top repeater sites The number of receivers and transmitters at most repeater sites can vary anywhere between a dozen to a few hundred. The number of intermodulation products which can be generated could be in the thousands A site manager may be able to exert total control over the conditions at a particular site, or only nominal influence over the activities of other users of the site. In either case, a site manager faced with an intermodulation problem would be faced with the formidable problem of tracking down the one combination out of possibly tens of thousands which might be the source of the problem This program is designed to make that task easier. Even though the number of intermodulation products is theoretically infinite, only a limited number of them are significant for a given set of receivers The products which we are mainly interested in are only those which will fall on or near a receiver frequency, and are of low enough order to be of significant amplitudeintmod60.zip (9K)
Uploaded Sat May 18 2024 17:29:15
Calculates radio intermodulation interferanceitaloc14.zip (238K)
Uploaded Sat May 18 2024 17:29:15
ITALOC does the usual two-way convertions between geographical coordinates and WW Locator, adding two important features 1) IT HOLDS THE POSITION OF MORE THAN 8200 ITALIAN TOWNS AND ISLANDS 2) IT SHOWS A GRAPHICAL MAP OF THE LOCATOR ZONE, AT DIFFERENT SCALES ITALOC runs on any PC compatible MS-DOS computer, even on an old XT with a single 720K floppy disk drive... you have only to use a Dos version of at least 3.0 and a graphical video card and monitor (either color or B/W I decided to use only a few colors, to have a nice display on color monitors and at the same time good readability on B/W and LCD screensjlem.zip (15K)
Uploaded Sat May 18 2024 17:29:15
This PASCAL program reads an Intel hex file and sends data to the ROM EMULATOR in serial formatkc1qfnts.zip (74K)
Uploaded Sat May 18 2024 17:29:15
KY1T Radiogram Voicegram NTS Package for Windowskfactor.zip (23K)
Uploaded Sat May 18 2024 17:29:15
Calculate amplifier stability from PUFF outputlnx5670.zip (35K)
Uploaded Sat May 18 2024 17:29:15
5760 PHEMT preamp using the NEC 32684Aloadpole.zip (7K)
Uploaded Sat May 18 2024 17:29:15
Uploaded Sat May 18 2024 17:29:15
Logisym is a digital logic simulator, intended to assist you in understanding, debugging, and verifying, the operations of combinational and sequential digital logic circuits. The simulator utilizes a 'unit delay' model, and very accurately represents the operations of circuits built from the basic logic functions providing a timing diagram of the trace output, much like a 16 trace ocilloscope. The device library internal to logisym includes the following functions: AND, OR, NAND, NOR, (up to 8 input); XOR NOT, BUFFER, an RS flipflop (cross coupled NAND), a positive edge triggered D type flipflop, and a positive edge triggered JK flipflop. Up to 650 logic devices may be defined, and 16 points may be observed during a simulation. Logisym provides 26 different signals or 'clocks' to be used as inputs to the circuit(s) being simulated. These are: A variable frequency eight bit up/down counter, a variable frequency four bit ring counter, a variable rate random data generator, and eight bits of data controlled by way of the function keys on the keyboard. Fixed high and low logic levels are also available as tiepoints for unused inputsmapvu20.zip (183K)
Uploaded Sat May 18 2024 17:29:15
MapView is an interactive programme for drawing maps in a variety of projections. It reads data from files in a number of formats and displays them on all display adapters supported by TurboPascal 5.0 the language it was written in. It should run on all IBM PCs and clones on which TurboPascal's Graph unit runs. As distributed, it makes no use of a coprocessor, but it can easily be recompiled to do so. It makes nearly no sense to use this programme without a hard disk. A hardcopy facility is built in which is designed for Epson type dot matrix printers. Also supplied are two programmes to preprocess data (Mp1ToMpx, TrigCalc) and two to view previously generated pictures (Slide/QSlide). Full sources to all the programmes are supplied. - Map data files have to be acquired independently MapView has no built-in data whatsoever. The map files it was designed to work with have been produced by John Allison and can probably gotten at the same place (bulletin board etc.) as MapViewmars.zip (156K)
Uploaded Sat May 18 2024 17:29:15
Uploaded Sat May 18 2024 17:29:15
Mission Control Clock (MCCLOCK) is a countdown clock such as the ones found in the firing rooms at the Kennedy Space Center. At any one time, a user can tell when an event is about to take place or how long it has been since an event occurred. MCCLOCK can display up to 21 events at one time along with the Local, Greenwich Means Mission Elapse Time and End of Mission times. Other functions include clocks for tracking stations' time of day, secondary timers to let you know such things as when a launch window closes, and a screen to let you know the date, time, and mission elapse time that an event will take placemgrv2.zip (354K)
Uploaded Sat May 18 2024 17:29:15
QSL Manager is a very flexible program for the serious DXer that wishes to have the QSL Managers Information of the DX station worked at his/her fingertipsminprop2.zip (100K)
Uploaded Sat May 18 2024 17:29:15
MINIPROP is a program for predicting ionospheric (skywave propagation on frequencies between 3 and 30 MHzmotorola.zip (324K)
Uploaded Sat May 18 2024 17:29:15
Motorola component databasenbstime.zip (92K)
Uploaded Sat May 18 2024 17:29:15
This program is used to set or check the date and time on an IBM personal computer (or equivalent) using data obtained by dialing the NBS using a Hayes compatible modem connected to the computer via one of the COM ports. It can also be used to provide an output pulse on the line-printer port once per second to synchronize other devicesnoise.zip (25K)
Uploaded Sat May 18 2024 17:29:15
noise.c - calculates noise figure for deviation of Gamma optimumnorthame.zip (200K)
Uploaded Sat May 18 2024 17:29:15
World Maps for North Americanshadow.zip (25K)
Uploaded Sat May 18 2024 17:29:15
Collection of calculations in BASICnts12.zip (86K)
Uploaded Sat May 18 2024 17:29:15
This program is intended solely for the use of ham radio operators that use packet radio as their primary method of passing formal written traffic in the NTS formatohmslaw.zip (13K)
Uploaded Sat May 18 2024 17:29:15
This program takes the basic Ohm's Law expressions and allows you to calculate Watts, Ohms, Volts, and Amperes with any 2 known values. You may enter a number of up to 6 digits. The output will be calculated to the nearest 1/100THpack_faq.zip (34K)
Uploaded Sat May 18 2024 17:29:15
Packet Frequently Asked Questions (FAQspactor.zip (10K)
Uploaded Sat May 18 2024 17:29:15
PACTOR (PT, latin "the Mediator") was developed by radio amateurs for radio amateurs in the course of experiments in radio communcation; commercial use is not planned PACTOR should overcome the current shortage of a reliable and quick means of telecommunication on short wave, especially for the bands below 10 MHzpcecap.zip (118K)
Uploaded Sat May 18 2024 17:29:15
PC-ECAP is an easy to use AC circuit analysis program which analyzes circuits consisting of resistors, capacitors, inductors transformers, transistors (both bipolar and FET's), operational amplifiers and transconductance amplifiers Totally integrated in one package, it contains a full screen text editor for preparing analysis input, an electronic circuit analyzer that calculates your circuit's frequency and phase response, a high resolution display plotter that supports all common graphics adapters and a high resolution plotter compatible with most printers Features Calculates Magnitude, Phase, Group Delay Impedance, VSWR and Return Loss Completely menu driven - very easy to use Can analyze circuits with up to 90 nodes and with as many as 1000 components Built in full screen editor with on-line help function Free input format - common abbreviations such as P, U, N, M, K, MEG, G are recognized. For example if your circuit has a 47pf capacitor all you need to enter for its value is 47pf Supports CGA, EGA, VGA, Hercules, MCGA, AT&T and even the Monochrome Display Adapter All calculations are done in 15 digits of double precision High resolution plots on IBM/Epson 9 and 24 pin compatible printers, and HP LaserJet Program may be configured to send its output to LPT1, LPT2, LPT3 or a disk file Bipolar transistor model maker. Just enter your transistor's operating parameters and PC-ECAP will create a Hybrid-Pi model for your transistor Will utilize a math coprocessor if available but does NOT require one Built-in network / multi-user supportpspic54.zip (3,086K)
Uploaded Sat May 18 2024 17:29:15
PSpice analog/digital ckt sim for Win 3.1ptc26.zip (41K)
Uploaded Sat May 18 2024 17:29:15
PTCT is a Terminal program for the PTC pactor controller from SCS. On one hand it is a program wich make full use of function keys F1 to F10 and combiations of keys to give all the commands to the PTC as: AM ,PT ,L 1 a.s.o. On the other hand you can use it as a dumb terminal program. All the commands to the PTC are given then with the normal text keys and the most of the function keys don't work. This is the best way to learn the commands of the PTC. The program is written in Turbo Pascal and many of the routines of DL5FBD areqqsl55.zip (257K)
Uploaded Sat May 18 2024 17:29:15
QQSL(tm), Quick QSL - the Ultimate QSL label program for ham radio operators! Featuring great color, a user-friendly interface, full function menus, input entry forms, sort in Callbook" order, log file imports, and MUCH more. QQSL puts the other QSL label programs to shame, and is highly recommended for all hams who send QSL cards! Written by Bill Mullin - AA4M/6qrplogos.zip (43K)
Uploaded Sat May 18 2024 17:29:15
US QRP Club Logosqslrte.zip (590K)
Uploaded Sat May 18 2024 17:29:15
Collection/Compilation of qsl routes & address by KB6AXK/ARRL/LAX/ACC/DX-ROUTEBOOK...SEP/95 INCLUDES:bureaus not listed,qsl managers,clubs,foundations,groups SK's,slims,pirates,DX'er,NIC's,and much more,with dates from all available sources,"see source.txt Latest updates & revisions can be found at the HAM*INFO*LINK*SOURCE BBS AT 1-818-584-1952 in the DX-ROUTEBOOK door and file areaqsocord.zip (15K)
Uploaded Sat May 18 2024 17:29:15
QSOcorder - Digital Audio "Instant Replay" Unitradiosky.zip (29K)
Uploaded Sat May 18 2024 17:29:15
AZEL.EXE is a stand-alone sky-coordinate conversion program, R7100 is a simple program to take information from an ICOM R-7100 receiver with an Optoelectronics CX12 or an ICOM CT-17 computer interfacerc85pr15.zip (48K)
Uploaded Sat May 18 2024 17:29:15
This program will program an A.C.C. RC-85 controller, using a telephone modem with a PC running MS-DOS Both dialup and control receiver access methods are supported. The modem must be capable of sending digits 0 through 9, * and #. The Hayes (TM modem is supported by defaultrepeater.zip (359K)
Uploaded Sat May 18 2024 17:29:15
REPEATER-BASE 1.1 Zion Software Publications Windows database for ham radio repeater frequencies. Written for use with the Amateur Radio Repeater Directory. Create multiple databases. Add, edit sort, print delete and search for records quickly and easily Search for records by any field. -Sharewarerfmatch6.zip (84K)
Uploaded Sat May 18 2024 17:29:15
RFC is an impedance calculator dedicated to Radio Frequency design engineers and students Using the program you can synthetize and analyze an electric matching network composed of impedances, inductors, capacitors, transmission lines and ideal transformers The goal of the program is to match impedances; the number of elements of the electric network must be less than nine Each element of the network has one or two variable parameters. You can tune the parameters by keyboard and the resulting graph is dynamically updated on the screen The screen shows the coefficient of reflection plane in its complex form Bilinear transformations of the coefficient of reflection plane, the well known Smith (R) Charts can be superimposed for presentation purposes and design aid The program uses exact formulas obtained from Maxwell equations and circuit theory The graph associated to each element is obtained by sweeping a parameter from zero to its nominal value The RFC keyboard is "a sea of trimmers" enabling fast optimizations by a highly interactive user interfacerfs.zip (85K)
Uploaded Sat May 18 2024 17:29:15
This is version 1 of a new disk specifically designed for radio broadcast engineers. Bundled into one program are many different sub-programs of general use to the engineer. These will allow you to Calculate the E.R.P. of an FM station Display and print the vertical radiation pattern of an FM antenna Calculate the distance to the null of an FM antenna Calculate VSWR, or print a VSWR table Calculate path attenuation and fresnel zone clearance of a 950 mHz S.T.L Calculate and print a report of intermodulation products between a table of frequencies Calculate the size of a parcel of land needed to hold a guyed tower of given dimensions, and place the tower within the plot Calculate the distance and bearing between two geographic coordin ates, or calculate the destination coordinates when source coordinates and a distance and bearing are known Perform conversions from English to Metric unitsrftools.zip (97K)
Uploaded Sat May 18 2024 17:29:15
This menu-driven program performs basic RF and microwave engineering calculationsrgram293.zip (59K)
Uploaded Sat May 18 2024 17:29:15
RGRAM is a HAM Radio Operator related program that allows the data gathering and writing of NTS (National Traffic System) messages conforming to ARRL standards. Messages generated are compatible with most transfer methods on IBM compatible TNC's with Packet and also RTTYrtty12g.zip (89K)
Uploaded Sat May 18 2024 17:29:15
This program runs on the IBM Personal Computer and interfaces to your Amateur Radio equipment through the Asynchronous Communications adapter. I wrote the program to be as flexible as possible hoping that it will be useable with any Terminal Unit (TU) and radio combination I have attempted to provide enough information to help you make your system operational. The program will work on the IBM PCjr with one minor limitation which is explained further on in this document. I suspect that the program will also work on the IBM Portable PC, most PC clones and possibly the IBM PC AT, even though I have not had the opportunity to test the program on those machinessatellit.zip (14K)
Uploaded Sat May 18 2024 17:29:15
Satellite Frequently Asked Questions (FAQsscat20.zip (141K)
Uploaded Sat May 18 2024 17:29:15
This program computes a number of useful S-Parameter functions and makes use of a Smith Chart to display the results. After starting the program and observing the copyright notice the user is presented with the main screen which is divided into three sections At the top is the menu selection which allows access to the various functions performed by SCAT. At the left of the screen is the information window which is where SCAT outputs information about the Device that is being analysed The area between the menu and information window is the chart where most results and input forms appearselcal13.zip (22K)
Uploaded Sat May 18 2024 17:29:15
SELCALL is a small and simple programm to translate maritime SITOR selcalls It just translates a selcall ... no sliding windows, no sound, no animation sorry A SITOR selcall is a selective call identifier for selective addressing of a distant communications station, used in SITOR radio teletype communications according to CCIR 476-4 The calling signal to start a SITOR circuit consists of 2 blocks of 3 charac ters each. The Selcalls are 4-letter combinations contained in these 2 blocks If the SITOR teletype gear of a radiostation is allocated the selcall 'XXXX it will phase and automagically reply to any call from any station calling with the selcall XXXX While radioamateurs and other fixed stations may use any 4-letter combination as a selcall, there are more strict rules in the maritime mobile service (MMS The maritime mobile service (MMS) uses 4- and 5-digit selective call NUMBERS The 4-digit numbers are assigned to coast stations and the 5-digit numbers are assigned to ship stations on a world wide basis These figure selcall numbers are mapped to letter selcall combinations suitable for SITOR transmission on airsherlock.zip (73K)
Uploaded Sat May 18 2024 17:29:15
Sherlock is a public domain software and hardware system designed to capture and display analog data as graphs. The resolution depends on the speed of the computer. The schematics for the simple hardware were published ( or are to be published ) in September 1996 CQ/VHF magazine One type of data it can graph is the the turn-on and turn-off characteristics of VHF and UHF transmitterssim120bn.zip (973K)
Uploaded Sat May 18 2024 17:29:15
SIMIC is a full-featured logic verification simulator. It has been demonstrated that SIMIC can uncover a number of critical design errors that other simulators misssnoop330.zip (158K)
Uploaded Sat May 18 2024 17:29:15
SNOOPER v3.30southame.zip (61K)- System info utility Shows CPU/NDP, CPU speed, DOS, BIOS, memory disks, video, CD-ROM, env, kbd, sound cards ports, IDE model, CMOS info, disk cache Stacker, FILES & BUFFERS, IRQs, DMA, modems mice, port IRQs. Lets you edit CMOS, CONFIG AUTOEXEC. Network and benchmark screens detects 1100 MicroChannel cards. New version adds Auto-log feature, fixes a few bugs Ideal for tech support, HW inventory, & you
Uploaded Sat May 18 2024 17:29:15
World Maps for South Americaspctr3e2.zip (342K)
Uploaded Sat May 18 2024 17:29:15
ssdemo3.zip (728K)
Uploaded Sat May 18 2024 17:29:15
Scan*Star Commercial Edition DEMO Computer assisted radio monitoring on OS456,R7000,R7100,R9000,R8,AR3000 NRD535,FRG9600, AR8000, and DC440 Demo has all features, 30 minute per session time limit and does not accept frequencies with ODD MHz. Minimum PC required: 386 with 4 MEG, VGA/SVGA/S3 hard disk, DOS V5 or OS/2 V3 (Warp All Professional Edition features plus multi-rcvr scan (handoff), GUI scan windows, mouse in all screens, scan up 4 radios simultaneously & more Signal Intelligence @ 408-926-5630sspice10.zip (79K)
Uploaded Sat May 18 2024 17:29:15
Sspice is a Symbolic SPICE circuit analyzer and approximator. Input files are in the SPICE format and the program performs a symbolic AC analysis Symbolic determinants are sorted with the additional option of numeric evaluation and even symbolic approximation. Besides accepting many of the standard SPICE definitions, Sspice also offers a variety of low and high frequency symbolic transistor models as well as some linear ICs. Menu options are available for evaluating 2nd order active RC circuits. These include identifying and solving filter formulas and approximating pole shift due to finite op-amp gain-bandwidth-productsunspots.zip (140K)
Uploaded Sat May 18 2024 17:29:15
Sunspot number predictions from National Geophysical Data Center, Boulder, CO. Uses McNish-Lincoln methodswivel.zip (38K)
Uploaded Sat May 18 2024 17:29:15
SWIVEL stands for "Simple World Interactive Viewing Enhanced Library and is an interactive program to allow viewing of "The World Digitized Copyright (C) John B. Alison. It will "let your fingers do the walking across the world on your computer. While SWIVEL is placed in the public domain and is freely distributable, the data for the The World Digitized is not Read Mr. Alison's documentation (READ.ME) for details on payment. I highly recommend that anyone that uses SWIVEL send Mr. Alison the $20 donation he requests -- this database represents an awful lot of work SWIVEL is, as its name says, simple. It represents only about level III in the suggested program by Mr. Alison. SWIVEL runs on IBM PC-compatible computers WITH AN EGA-COMPATIBLE GRAPHICS ADAPTER. SWIVEL must have an EGA to work; it will probably hang a computer with the standard CGA or Hercules type cardswl_faq.zip (21K)
Uploaded Sat May 18 2024 17:29:15
Shortwave Radio Frequently Asked Questions (FAQstasm.zip (160K)
Uploaded Sat May 18 2024 17:29:16
TASM - A Table Driven Cross Assembler for the MSDOS* Environmenttdb3.zip (26K)
Uploaded Sat May 18 2024 17:29:16
Vaccum Tube cross reference programteerev.zip (6K)
Uploaded Sat May 18 2024 17:29:16
This is a program that will show the effects of varying the selection of both feedline and antenna type. When we amateurs think of signal output, transmitter power, antenna gain, and SWR is the general order of discussion. You should 'gain' an appreciation of what feedline loss, and SWR really coststhunt.zip (37K)
Uploaded Sat May 18 2024 17:29:16
T-Hunting softwaretimecrft.zip (32K)
Uploaded Sat May 18 2024 17:29:16
Time Crafter is a timing diagram documentation tool. A timing diagram is used by engineers and technicians to document the way a circuit or system operates or should operate. This type of documentation is crucial to good design and debugging but up to now one could only use paper and pencil (with a good eraser) or an expensive CAD package costing $1000 or more to produce these diagrams on a PCtsd.zip (14K)
Uploaded Sat May 18 2024 17:29:16
A Transistor Substitute Database, a cross reference for various transistor componentstty37.zip (29K)
Uploaded Sat May 18 2024 17:29:16
TTY37 provides half duplex baudot and ascii radioteletype communications for the IBM PCv2l9435.zip (165K)
Uploaded Sat May 18 2024 17:29:16
The Vector to Two-line Elements (VEC2TLE) software provides the user with the capability to convert position/velocity/time state vectors of a variety of formats to National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Compatible Keplerian Two-Line Element (TLE) sets. These Keplerian elements contain orbit descriptions compatible for propagation with the Simplified General Perturbations (SGP) and SGP Version 4 (SGP4) orbit theories developed for use by the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) and United States Space Command (USSPACECOM TLEs have become an increasingly-popular source of orbital data. This is due mainly to the fact that this format of data is available for nearly all Earth orbiting satellites. As a result, the popular satellite tracking software packages such as STSPLUS and TRAKSAT use TLEs as their primary sources of input data along with the SGP4 orbit propagator TLE data is available for most Earth-orbiting satellites from several sources see Appendix F). VEC2TLE is not intended to replace these as primary sources of TLE data. Rather, its primary purpose is for circumstances in which this data may not be available in a timely fashion. A prime example is the Space Transportation System (STS) where position and velocity state vectors may be the only orbital information available in near real time. In the past, users of the tracking software had little choice but to wait (hours or days) until the TLE data was available following thruster firings that changed the Shuttle's orbit. Often, the TLE data is out of date by the time it is received due to subsequent thruster firings. It is this situation that resulted in the creation of VEC2TLE. The TLEs computed by VEC2TLE are fully compatible with SGP or SGP4 as true and accurate renditions of the orbit specified by the input state vectorsvhfmar2.zip (10K)
Uploaded Sat May 18 2024 17:29:16
What Every Boater Should Know About VHF Marine Radio. Information on licensing, use, safety procedures, and complete frequency list for all channel assignments. This version is for all areas of U.S inland and coastal waters. Revised: 6/11/94vswr.zip (13K)
Uploaded Sat May 18 2024 17:29:16
VSWR - A simple SWR calculator for Windows 3.1was10.zip (87K)
Uploaded Sat May 18 2024 17:29:16
WAS Manager 1.0 - MM Software Systems WAS Manager is a program to keep track of the states you've worked on one or more bands as you progress toward completion of the Worked All States or 5 Band Worked All States awards. It is highly graphical and designed to replace that pile of paper maps stacked up on your deskwham50kw.zip (14K)
Uploaded Sat May 18 2024 17:29:16
FUNKENHAUSER'S reworked FCC Western Hemisphere AM database WHAMLOG.ZIP is the complete file (21484 records). WHAMCAUS.ZIP all Canada/USA stns, WHAM_MEX.ZIP all Mexico stns, WHAMCUBA.ZIP all Cuban stns, WHAM50KW.ZIP stns. with 50 Kw or more night power WHAMUSST.ZIP--USA states, WHAMCAPR.ZIP--Canadian Provinces WHAMMXST.ZIP--Mexican States, WHAMFREQ.ZIP--Canada, USA, Cuba Mexico listed by frequency (like the old White's Radio Log Note: WHAMLOG.DOC is packed with each archive but relates mainly to the first five files. The last four are already organized ready for printingwham_mex.zip (53K)
Uploaded Sat May 18 2024 17:29:16
FUNKENHAUSER'S reworked FCC Western Hemisphere AM database WHAMLOG.ZIP is the complete file (21484 records). WHAMCAUS.ZIP all Canada/USA stns, WHAM_MEX.ZIP all Mexico stns, WHAMCUBA.ZIP all Cuban stns, WHAM50KW.ZIP stns. with 50 Kw or more night power WHAMUSST.ZIP--USA states, WHAMCAPR.ZIP--Canadian Provinces WHAMMXST.ZIP--Mexican States, WHAMFREQ.ZIP--Canada, USA, Cuba Mexico listed by frequency (like the old White's Radio Log Note: WHAMLOG.DOC is packed with each archive but relates mainly to the first five files. The last four are already organized ready for printingwhamcapr.zip (22K)
Uploaded Sat May 18 2024 17:29:16
FUNKENHAUSER'S reworked FCC Western Hemisphere AM database WHAMLOG.ZIP is the complete file (21484 records). WHAMCAUS.ZIP all Canada/USA stns, WHAM_MEX.ZIP all Mexico stns, WHAMCUBA.ZIP all Cuban stns, WHAM50KW.ZIP stns. with 50 Kw or more night power WHAMUSST.ZIP--USA states, WHAMCAPR.ZIP--Canadian Provinces WHAMMXST.ZIP--Mexican States, WHAMFREQ.ZIP--Canada, USA, Cuba Mexico listed by frequency (like the old White's Radio Log Note: WHAMLOG.DOC is packed with each archive but relates mainly to the first five files. The last four are already organized ready for printingwhamcaus.zip (180K)
Uploaded Sat May 18 2024 17:29:16
FUNKENHAUSER'S reworked FCC Western Hemisphere AM database WHAMLOG.ZIP is the complete file (21484 records). WHAMCAUS.ZIP all Canada/USA stns, WHAM_MEX.ZIP all Mexico stns, WHAMCUBA.ZIP all Cuban stns, WHAM50KW.ZIP stns. with 50 Kw or more night power WHAMUSST.ZIP--USA states, WHAMCAPR.ZIP--Canadian Provinces WHAMMXST.ZIP--Mexican States, WHAMFREQ.ZIP--Canada, USA, Cuba Mexico listed by frequency (like the old White's Radio Log Note: WHAMLOG.DOC is packed with each archive but relates mainly to the first five files. The last four are already organized ready for printingwhamcuba.zip (13K)
Uploaded Sat May 18 2024 17:29:16
FUNKENHAUSER'S reworked FCC Western Hemisphere AM database WHAMLOG.ZIP is the complete file (21484 records). WHAMCAUS.ZIP all Canada/USA stns, WHAM_MEX.ZIP all Mexico stns, WHAMCUBA.ZIP all Cuban stns, WHAM50KW.ZIP stns. with 50 Kw or more night power WHAMUSST.ZIP--USA states, WHAMCAPR.ZIP--Canadian Provinces WHAMMXST.ZIP--Mexican States, WHAMFREQ.ZIP--Canada, USA, Cuba Mexico listed by frequency (like the old White's Radio Log Note: WHAMLOG.DOC is packed with each archive but relates mainly to the first five files. The last four are already organized ready for printingwhamfreq.zip (229K)
Uploaded Sat May 18 2024 17:29:16
FUNKENHAUSER'S reworked FCC Western Hemisphere AM database WHAMLOG.ZIP is the complete file (21484 records). WHAMCAUS.ZIP all Canada/USA stns, WHAM_MEX.ZIP all Mexico stns, WHAMCUBA.ZIP all Cuban stns, WHAM50KW.ZIP stns. with 50 Kw or more night power WHAMUSST.ZIP--USA states, WHAMCAPR.ZIP--Canadian Provinces WHAMMXST.ZIP--Mexican States, WHAMFREQ.ZIP--Canada, USA, Cuba Mexico listed by frequency (like the old White's Radio Log Note: WHAMLOG.DOC is packed with each archive but relates mainly to the first five files. The last four are already organized ready for printingwhamlog.zip (365K)
Uploaded Sat May 18 2024 17:29:16
FUNKENHAUSER'S reworked FCC Western Hemisphere AM database WHAMLOG.ZIP is the complete file (21484 records). WHAMCAUS.ZIP all Canada/USA stns, WHAM_MEX.ZIP all Mexico stns, WHAMCUBA.ZIP all Cuban stns, WHAM50KW.ZIP stns. with 50 Kw or more night power WHAMUSST.ZIP--USA states, WHAMCAPR.ZIP--Canadian Provinces WHAMMXST.ZIP--Mexican States, WHAMFREQ.ZIP--Canada, USA, Cuba Mexico listed by frequency (like the old White's Radio Log Note: WHAMLOG.DOC is packed with each archive but relates mainly to the first five files. The last four are already organized ready for printingwhammxst.zip (38K)
Uploaded Sat May 18 2024 17:29:16
FUNKENHAUSER'S reworked FCC Western Hemisphere AM database WHAMLOG.ZIP is the complete file (21484 records). WHAMCAUS.ZIP all Canada/USA stns, WHAM_MEX.ZIP all Mexico stns, WHAMCUBA.ZIP all Cuban stns, WHAM50KW.ZIP stns. with 50 Kw or more night power WHAMUSST.ZIP--USA states, WHAMCAPR.ZIP--Canadian Provinces WHAMMXST.ZIP--Mexican States, WHAMFREQ.ZIP--Canada, USA, Cuba Mexico listed by frequency (like the old White's Radio Log Note: WHAMLOG.DOC is packed with each archive but relates mainly to the first five files. The last four are already organized ready for printingwhamusst.zip (142K)
Uploaded Sat May 18 2024 17:29:16
FUNKENHAUSER'S reworked FCC Western Hemisphere AM database WHAMLOG.ZIP is the complete file (21484 records). WHAMCAUS.ZIP all Canada/USA stns, WHAM_MEX.ZIP all Mexico stns, WHAMCUBA.ZIP all Cuban stns, WHAM50KW.ZIP stns. with 50 Kw or more night power WHAMUSST.ZIP--USA states, WHAMCAPR.ZIP--Canadian Provinces WHAMMXST.ZIP--Mexican States, WHAMFREQ.ZIP--Canada, USA, Cuba Mexico listed by frequency (like the old White's Radio Log Note: WHAMLOG.DOC is packed with each archive but relates mainly to the first five files. The last four are already organized ready for printingwhatson.zip (13K)
Uploaded Sat May 18 2024 17:29:16
PC-HAM is a set of DATA Processing Amateur Radio programs for the user of a microcomputer in Amateur Radio. The BASIC language programs may or may not be described in or be based on programs described in the book, SOFTWARE FOR AMATEUR RADIO written by Joe Kasser, G3ZCZ, published by TAB Books (Number 1560), Blue Ridge Summit, Pa., 17214. The DBASE2 programs perform database operations on logbook informationwheritis.zip (24K)
Uploaded Sat May 18 2024 17:29:16
Distance/direction calculatorworld.zip (30K)
Uploaded Sat May 18 2024 17:29:16
The World Digitized contains the coordinates of 100,000 different locations in the world. It would be of interest to cartograpers, surveyors and people with a general interest in geography The program has both the latitude and longitude of the locations and includes 1. Coastlands 2. Lakes 3. Islands 4. Political Boundariesworldmap.zip (807K)
Uploaded Sat May 18 2024 17:29:16
World Maps for Africawxrdr22.zip (78K)
Uploaded Sat May 18 2024 17:29:16
Weather Radar receiving programxtalf.zip (5K)
Uploaded Sat May 18 2024 17:29:16
A calculator for Butterworth and Chebyshev crystal ladder filter design, done as a Lotus 1-2-3 spreadsheet. This spreadsheet was created on Lotus 1-2-3 Release 4, but is a .WK1 file (and associated .FMT file The method used is from May 1982 QST, "A unified approach to the design of crystal ladder filters", by Wes Hayward, W7ZOI, p. 21